Career Fair & Skills Expo The biggest career opportunity event for French and Bilingual candidates you can't afford to miss: Over 100 exhibitors, 3000 positions, 4000 bilingual participants. Come meet face-to-face with major employers from the private, public and non-profit sector and jump start your amazing career with over 3000 opportunities in all industries. Learn and network through several feature presentations offered by exceptional speakers, coaches and experts in a variety of fields ranging from job search to career development and communication. We have gathered a top list of mentors and business experts to mentor and coach you on the spot in a one-on-one unique session never offered before. Event Date(s): October 16, 2012 - October 17, 2012 More Information: Event Time: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Event Location: International Centre, 6900 Airport Mississauga Cost: Free.
Event Details. Location:
6900 Airport Mississauga