Mississauga Mandarin MS Walk (/+) The Mississauga MS Walk is an annual fundraiser to support programs that enhance the quality of life for individuals in Mississauga living with multiple sclerosis. Funds raised also go towards finding the cause of and cure for multiple sclerosis. The Mississauga MS Walk celebrates the lives of people living with MS, and raises awareness of programs and services offered within Mississauga. Last year, more than 900 participants gathered to raise over $165,000. Join us on Sunday, May 25th at Celebration Square for a day full of celebration, prizes and fun entertainment for the whole family. Together, we can end MS!Register online at www.MSWalks.ca.Contact: Joanna Sullivan Email: joanna.sullivan@mssociety.ca Phone: 905-278-6186 ext 27 Event Date(s):May 25, 2014 Location:Mississauga Celebration Square 300 City Centre Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5 B 3 C1 Canada Cost:Free.
Event Details. Location:
Mississauga Celebration Square 300 City Centre Drive