canadiary Mississauga

Diary of Events and Happenings in Mississauga, Ontario.

Commissioner of Oaths free service

Commissioner of Oaths Tuesday, March 17, 2015 from 10am to 5pm - free service. Call for an appointment or for more information - 416-524-3085 Event Date(s):March 17, 2015 Event Time(s):10am-5pm Location:Streetsville Library 112 Queen St. S. Mississauga, Ontario L5 M 1 K8 Canada Phone: 905-615-4785 Place Type: Library Branch Cost:Free Amenities:Internet access for the public, Gas fireplace, lounge and skylight , Lift access Directions:The oldest branch in the Mississauga Library System, is located in the heart of downtown Streetsville .. Event Details. Location: 112 Queen St. S