canadiary Mississauga

Diary of Events and Happenings in Mississauga, Ontario.

Streetsville Heritage Conservation District Community Meeting

We are approaching the end of Phase 1 of the Streetsville Heritage Conservation District Study . The consulting team has completed an evaluation of the study area and has determined that the study area includes property which meets the legislated criteria for identifying a potential Heritage Conservation District under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. A recommended Heritage Conservation District boundary has been identified. Now that data has been collected and recommendations are being drafted, we are looking to the community to provide us with input. Information provided to the consultants at the upcoming community meeting will feed into a report prepared by the Consultants. This report will be brought forward to Council in late winter 2024 in order to determine whether or not the study should proceed to Phase 2. The meeting will include the following: a presentation by the Consulting team to provide a summary of findings as a result of field work and historic research; a recommended Heritage Conservation District boundary; surveys; and an opportunity to ask questions. Event Details