canadiary Mississauga

Diary of Events and Happenings in Mississauga, Ontario.

Glimpse into the Heart of a Singer Songwriter - Live

 The unique focus of this songwriter showcase will be the power of lyrics, the seeds of which have been planted through my ongoing online interview series with local singer songwriters (Glimpse Into The Heart of a Singer Songwriter Interview Series). Those in attendance will get a glimpse into the profound narratives and emotional landscapes crafted by songwriters. Local artists will have a platform to vulnerably share their unique experiences behind the lyrics of their songs when performing them live. The "power of lyrics" element embedded into the showcase empowers the storytelling artistry that sparks meaningful conversations and connections between attendees. Not only will the audience celebrate the individual voices of each performer, the hope is that they also gain insights into the collective human experiences embedded within the songs. Through the shared reflection of lyrics and a live music experience across various genres, this songwriter's showcase will celebrate creativity, vulnerability, connection and dialogue. Event Details