5 Day Job Search Workshop for Newcomers (/+) Pre-employment training for newcomers. Learn about job search strategies, Canadian employers? perspectives, resumes and interview skills. Also develop a personalized action plan. This program is presented in partnership with the Peel Multicultural Council. Admission is free. Registration is required. For more information and to register please call Churchill Meadows Library at 905-615-4735. Event Date(s):May 11, 2015 - May 15, 2015 Event Time(s):9:30 am - 3:00 pm Location:Churchill Meadows Library & Activity Centre 3801 Thomas Street Mississauga, ON L5 M 7 G2 Canada Phone: 905-615-4735 library.info@mississauga.ca Place Type: Library Branch Cost:Free Directions:Northeast corner of Thomas Street and Churchill Meadows Blvd.,west of Tenth Line..
Event Details. Location:
3801 Thomas Street